
Free shopping with Blastoff!

The Blastoff Network goes live on October 26, but opportunities exist today!The site will be a comprehensive, customizable internet launch pad for games, multimedia, headlines, blogs, social networks and shopping.Shoppers will get 1% to 15% discount on every purchase. Like Facebook, Blastoff will depend on friends inviting friends to join, in order to grow. Your network will grow as your friends invite other friends to join. And you will earn .02% to 1.5% commissions, on up to 10 levels of friends.And it costs nothing to use - Blastoff is FREE!Blastoff expects to have over 300 retailers like Gap, Macy's, Best Buy and Starbucks.com. It also plans to be THE site for home services such as phone, internet, cable and satellite; for travel with all the major travel sites; and for wireless phones - with deep discounts on these major items. Want to make more money?Build a networkBlastoff will have easy to use features which will help you to quickly import your email contacts from your Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo and G-mail. After you select the specific contacts, Blastoff will send out messages inviting your friends to visit your Blastoff page and to join the Network you are building. Your Network could be virally growing in minutes!Social Networks are an important toolDo you use Facebook, LinkedIn, My Space or Twitter? Expand your Network with your social network friends! Sign into your social network from within Blastoff and send your friends a link back to Blastoff. And don't worry, Blastoff contains tools to monitor your Network and income.Place a banner pointing to BlastoffDo you have an existing web site, blog or social network page? If so, place a Blastoff banner on your site which will link your traffic watch repair or affinity group directly to your Blastoff Network site where people can learn more about Blastoff Network and sign up.How to make VERY SERIOUS MONEY:Pre-Paid Legal Services has a special contract with the Blastoff Network operator Blastoff Communications(BC). Pre-Paid Legal is the leader in pre-paid legal services and identity theft plans. PPL is also a very successful network marketing organization. Pre-Paid Legal Sales Associates will play a key role in launching the marketing blitz.By enrolling with PPL, you will not only get their legal services but you also get a two weeks head start to start building your network. And you'll get paid 20 LEVELS DEEP, instead of the 10 levels which the watch repair tools public will get. 10 levels vs 20 levels is a big difference, do the math!On October 12th - PPL associates will be given an EXCLUSIVE 2 week window to invite everyone they can to join Blastoff. Beginning Oct 26th, anyone and everyone, globally!, will be able to sign up directly on the Blastoff Network site. However, PPL Associates will already have a massive market share because of the millions of invitations they already sent out..Keep in mind that these weeks leading up to the Holidays are historically the biggest internet shopping days of the year. This is the time to have your Network up and running.The income from any substantial Blastoff Network should easily cover the basic fees of being a PPL Sales Associate.

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